s.a. boy
This question is directed to all the people with a powder brown in their tanks : (If you are looking to get one this may also be intresting info for u)
Is you powder brown very aggressive to other fish. Coz my has become very aggressive over the last few weeks. He harasted my Pwder blue to death and he is also having a go at my other fish (Coral beauty and Yellow tail damsel) He tries to get funny with my domino Damsels But the take no ---- from any one.
Do you find your PB to be very aggressive?
Is you powder brown very aggressive to other fish. Coz my has become very aggressive over the last few weeks. He harasted my Pwder blue to death and he is also having a go at my other fish (Coral beauty and Yellow tail damsel) He tries to get funny with my domino Damsels But the take no ---- from any one.
Do you find your PB to be very aggressive?