I was on my way to buy a clean up crew for my 30 gallon tank (hair algae problem) and that is when my LFS guy told me about the sea hare. He had a bunch of them, they were huge! I pick the smallest, which when he is all stretch out he is about 6 in. long and really fat! He cost $16.00, well worth the money he also cleans all the algae off the walls of the tank. He has made water changes a dream for me.
I researched this guy as much as I could before I got him and found that they have a pretty good survival rate as long as they have food and good water. I did read one thing, I have yet to see, I read that they can release a bright pink ink if they are threatened or being harassed.
I have three tanks. One tank just has live rock in it and I have been letting hair algae grow on the rocks in there and then transfer them to the 30 gallon to let him eat, which is gone in about 5 min, and some of these rocks are really covered with the stuff. I noticed he actually prefers the nori over the green hair algae.
I just got a 55 gallon this weekend. I will be setting up and transferring the 30 gallon today. I am going to have two clowns and one sea hare with a whole lot of room.