If you have a Red Bali Star (Fromia)...


Active Member
This is a star that I believe to be similar to Linckia's in terms of diet and acclimation. It is much smaller though so I suspect people try it in smaller tanks. But I don't have a really good feel for success with it other than the general impression that it isn't real tough. If you have/had one, please let me know about your tank, your experience, how long you have/had it, etc!
Very interested to hear from anyone who has had one a year +


Active Member
Well I just got one today. Not the experience your looking for but I'll be sure to let you know how it goes. I have a 20gal tank with a 10gal fug so we'll see how things go. I acclimated him for about an hour and a half and since then he's been very active. Just curious, but what leads you to believe that they aren't too hardy?
I do have a friend whos had one in a 220 reef for about 5months with no problems so we'll hope for the best.
P.S. its a Fromia milleporella


Active Member
I generally see them melting in LFS tanks. There is no doubt that they are at least as delicate as Linckia and have a similar diet as they are reef safe (meaning, IMO, a 20g is very small but wait and see). I would expect long term success in the 220....but again, I'm waiting for the year. That mark is critical since we know they take so long to starve. Thanks for your input and please keep posted!


I didn't have mine a year, but it did make it to about 6 months. It was doing great for about 5 months and then it just started to "fall apart." They are a beautiful star, but I'd recommed alot of research/planning before you purchase one of them. I have a stable/matured 55 reef tank with about 70-80 pounds of LR and it still wasn't enough to keep the star going. From what I've read and heard, the Linka / bali stars tend not to do very well in capitivity. Too bad I didn't figure this out before I bought the star.


Active Member
Thanks Sleeri, for your story. The 6 month - 1 year period is where I think the major mortality is (after the first month loss too acclimation). Unfortunately, they are small and colorful, and so they are tempting for small tanks. Sorry you lost it :( but your story may help!


Thanks for doing some extra research on this star Ophuira. I guess I'll just have to pass on this. I'll just get more snails to take care of the algea on my glass.