
I read the information on this board for a good while and was so sick of reading about hyposalinity and hospital tanks I could scream. Well I had an outbreack of ick in my reef due to a recently added tang. At the disagreement of my LFS, I decided to do the hypo thing. It sure was hard seeing all my fish running around in such a small tank. But it was a complete success. The Ich is gone and I actually developed a pretty decent bond with my tang.
Doing a hospital tank and hyposalinity is a pain the butt. BUT IT WORKS!!!!
Thanks Terry and Beth!


I have been posting my ich problems the last few days also. Lost everything except a clown. The problem was that the ich started while we were on vacation and well we just didn't catch it in time. I think it came with a tang also. I'm doing the hypo thing with the clown right now.
Any suggestions as to what to restock with in about 2 months?? We will go with another tank raised perc to start.


Staff member
I would suggest that you go easy on restocking. Instead, make your next purchase a QT...this way you can avoid such things as having to deal with ick in your tank as well as having so many fish die.
dsh: You're welcome. Glad that the hypo worked for you. But you should get a hospital that is big enough for all your fish, or get 2 hospitals. :D Fish stress in small tanks can be just as bad as ick!
The best purchase for all hobbysit is a quarentine tank, quarentine tank, quarentine tank...tired of me saying it... :D


Just upgraded my hospital to a 20L and have an extra 10 also. If no one will buy my 58 it will also be availble as a HT/QT
I had ich in my tank when i was on vacation but luckly my dad caught it and called me to ask what to do! :*
I lost 2 black skirts and a Chinese butterfly loach! :( :(
i was sad and i can't find any more chinese butterfly loaches if anyone has any info where i can get a few of them email me at
thanx for future replies on my sn please! 8)