If you tap into your water line for your RO, read this.


Active Member
This may be some help for some. I just installed my Typhoon III RO/DI unit and used the connector that taps into the water line. I followed the directions to "turn the handle until you feel resistance and then turn it a little more. Back off and water will enter the unit." The typhoon III has a pressure guage and it only registered 30 lbs of pressure. You ideally want 50 lbs for the unit to work best.
I turned the handle back down again and continued to turn it a few extra turns. When I backed off, I had 55 lbs of pressure. If you follow the directions explicitly, you will not get the best pressure as the hole will not be big enought. It would seem that the hole size it makes is variable to a point. If you installed this unit and have lower than expected pressure, you may want to turn the tapping crank down another couple of turns.
Hope this helps someone.


Active Member
The piece you are referring to is a "saddle vavle". In the valve itself, end of the crank handle, is like a needle to pierce the pipe. It starts as a point and ends up the diameter of the shaft connected to the cranking handle. The more you turn it in...the larger the hole gets, up to the size of the shaft.


Active Member
Rane...I will assume you are talking about the water supply line. If it is a standard 1/2" copper line, no, it only travels in about 1/4, or maybe a little more, on an inch.
If it is a PVC line, I still wouldn't think it would break it. PVC is pretty tough in that respect, well actually, all aspects.