I'll never use GARLIC again


Active Member
I've never used garlic in my fish food's at all, ever, never! I figured I'd soak some of the frozen food in a couple cloves of garlic for a day or so just as a preventative measure...other people do it and have no problems so i figured what the hell...anyway i fed the tank for 2 days with garlic....on the THIRD day in the morning when i woke up....porcupine puffer, COVERED in ich....i stopped using garlic...3 days later, only a couple of spots on his fins which are going away more and more each day...
Now..while I don't know if the garlic was the cause...I dont know what else to assume. NOTHING else changed in the tank at all....All the fish have been living together for a couple months with no problems...
just thought i'd share.


Well, sorry to hear about your experience....glad the puffer survived. I use Kent Garlic Xtreme with 4 drops every feeding, the fish really tear it up and all have been healthy going on 4 months now.


Active Member
Maybe there was a problem with soaking food in a couple of cloves of garlic for a whole day! When I dose garlic it is like three drops of liquid that soaks for maybe 30 min. Or your fish may not be italians.


Active Member
You said you soaked it with "cloves" of garlic....maybe it has something to do with the concentration. I hear most saying they use garlic supplements, or concentrated liquids. Perhaps it has something to do with that? Long shot, but maybe?


I tried garlic and the fish spit the food back out and wouldn't eat any of it accept for our Green Clown Goby but he eats anything.


I use olive oil instead of garlic. It prevents all sorts of things like indigestion, high cholesterol, and stomach ulcers And the fish look very vibrant.
By the way I am only kidding for those who couldn't tell :)