I'll take the baby

With all these programs around, why does people still feel the need to leave a helpless newborn baby in a dumpster?t
God bless that baby. My heart goes out to that baby.
. What goes through those people's mind? Those people are heartless. You already went through the pregnancy, the baby is here, take the baby to the firestation and the baby is safe and you can go on with your life without going to jail. SIMPLE.


Not another baby left abandoned again!??!?!?
That just makes me sick. I have 4 little ones with the youngest just 5 months. Who could do such a thing??? I don't get it and I guess I never will. God bless all the children.

nacl freak

They must be so afraid to be found out or judged for a past indiscretions. Their continued bad judgement only fuels the fire.

salty blues

Active Member
IMO these kinds of acts are due to a general disregard for life that was set in motion by the Roe v Wade decision.


Active Member
I am almost postive that whomever did this was not affected by Roe V Wade.

The mother probably placed the baby there on purpose since a lot of people were around there working in their yards. This will most likely end up being a very frightened teen that did not tell anyone she was pregnant. I will also
guess that she did not know that she could go to any firehouse/hospital/police station and turn the baby over.