Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich

veni vidi vici

Active Member
*SIGH* It seems that another one of my Governors is going to the Cross Bar Hotel,I wonder if he and former Gov.Ryan can share a cell?
My guess was right though,i knew once Tony Rezco started singing to save his butt some of the big time Illinois Politicians where going to go to jail.I wonder who's next to be investigated if not already under one now?HMMMMMM?
IMO 90% of politician's in Illinois should and could be in the clink.


Active Member
im guessing that Blagojevich is only the fall guy for all this. i'm willing to be that obama is involved and that the democrats cant let this get out, so the pointed him out to get this shut down quickly and as quietly as possible.
just my thought.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
im guessing that Blagojevich is only the fall guy for all this. i'm willing to be that obama is involved and that the democrats cant let this get out, so the pointed him out to get this shut down quickly and as quietly as possible.
just my thought.
You know,this is Illinois and Chicago has had a long,long,long line of corruption.Im not going to assume anything about Obama being involved with anything or dems for that matter. Former jailed Governor Ryan is a republican and corruption here has no line as far as parties are concerned. I do know this though U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald has a pretty impressive record when it comes to this sort of thing .I almost trust him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
You know,this is Illinois and Chicago has had a long,long,long line of corruption.Im not going to assume anything about Obama being involved with anything or dems for that matter. Former jailed Governor Ryan is a republican and corruption here has no line as far as parties are concerned. I do know this though U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald has a pretty impressive record when it comes to this sort of thing .I almost trust him.
i agree corruption is blind to the color jacket that it stains.
as for fitzgerald, please correct me if im wrong, but isnt he the guy that kept fingering bush/cheney/libby for that valerie plame debacle even after armitage fessed up?
i dont know. this whole thing just reeks to me. something shady is going on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
im guessing that Blagojevich is only the fall guy for all this. i'm willing to be that obama is involved and that the democrats cant let this get out, so the pointed him out to get this shut down quickly and as quietly as possible.
just my thought.
Fall guy? ... this was a 3 year investigation and did you hear about the tapes they got him on?
as usual it's all about $$$ ... I say hang em.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
lol this is amuzing

It is...these guys and gals think they are above the law.I hope Fitzpatrick prosecutes each and every one of these corrupt politicians from the lowest level all the way to the top,even the tippy top if you know what im saying. I think Rezco is going to sink them all. Rezco had every corrupt politician in Illinois in his pocket or on his payroll.


Active Member
Including the President ELECT Blago will sing like a canary he knows WAY TO MUCH and will implicate EVERY DIRTY POLITICAN IN THE STATE OF IL Should be interesting if he wants to get out of Prison before he is in a bodybag.

fish master

imo,i think hte companys involved should be prosecuted also.but the feds will probably let them go for their testamony against the governor.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by fish master
imo,i think hte companys involved should be prosecuted also.but the feds will probably let them go for their testamony against the governor.
Its our State tradition:
FBI Special Agent-in-Charge in Chicago Robert Grant said he was asked by reporters when he first started the investigation "whether or not Illinois is the most corrupt state in the United States."
"And I didn't answer that question, yes or no, and I can't answer that question today. I don't have 49 other states to compare it with.But I can tell you one thing: If it isn't the most corrupt state in the United States, its certainly one hell of a competitor,"
OHHH the shame


Active Member
If Obama ever did pull any crooked stuff its going to come out now. This guys needs something to bargin with to keep his butt out of the slam.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
If Obama ever did pull any crooked stuff its going to come out now. This guys needs something to bargin with to keep his butt out of the slam.
Hey CFR .. after listening to the news tonight I'm not ruleing out your "thoughts" yet. I doubt it ... but nothing surprises me anymore.
Do I smell CIA?


Oh my if Obama, aka the chosen one, has nothing to do with this I will be suprised. I mean come on it's Chicago get real, I worked there for 6 years everybody is getting paid off by someone.

salty blues

Active Member
Nothing seemed to stick to obama during the primary. I don't expect any of this latest stuff to hurt him either.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
Nothing seemed to stick to obama during the primary. I don't expect any of this latest stuff to hurt him either.
He didnt have the FBI investigating him then,if they are now its a different ball game.That "IF ",before anyone gets excited.
But know this, Tony Rezco is at the heart of all this and he was the first to fall.He is the link that connects alot of the corruption in this state government.We do know that Rezco and Obama where pals and that Obama took money from him only to give it to charity when it was exposed.Again im not saying Obama is part of a investigation but i woulnd say at this point he isnt either. We shall see as this moves forward.