Im an idiot, might have killed years of work



I set up a 9 gallon reef about a year ago. The only coral in the tank is a MASSIVE kenya tree mother colony. Ive had thast for several years. It has spread everywhere so the entire tank looks full of little trees blowing back and forth. Its really cool. The problem is I moved the tank to my seafood store about a month ago. The move went great, everything survived easily, everything bounced right back within a few days time.
Well the other night I left the store for the night and I turned off the air condition in the store for the first time. I dont know why I guess I was just thinking about saving money. I come back in the morning and all my kenya trees look shriveled up and small. Usually they are already starting to expand from the light entering the store windows. I feel like tank and can tell right away its too warm, probably 85-90 degrees. I turn back on the ac, take the lid off let it cool a bit.
2 days later all the big, older, mother colonies are still shriveled up and dead looking. Yet all the newer pieces that fragged off within the last month or so are all fine and expanding. I dont get how the new ones are good and the mother colonies are all still messed up. Im not sure if they will bounce back or if they are dead. They are not spitting out anything or have those little hair-like lines coming off them like when you reach in a tank and mess with coral placement.
How can I tell if they are dead or just messed up and trying to come back? Why would the little, new frags be fine and the mother colonies dead when they were exposed to the same exact temperatures?


Active Member
A picture may help.
I think you need to just keep the temp as stable as possible and see how things go. It's a little early to panic just yet...could just be a little shock to the coral.


Active Member
Yep, I know what these coral look like. I want to see what it looks like now.


check my edit, Im just confused as to why all the big older stalks are messed up but the little guys that just fragged off are 100%


Active Member
If it only looks like what it does when the lights are off then I'd say it'll bounce back. Get yourself a 6 dollar digi thermometer so you can be sure the temp isn't moving around too much.


Think they r ok. They look fuller than they did. They all spit out a little mucus. Of course my water feels cold now. I think the thermostat in the store is off. Im just gonna take it back home. The tank is getting a little too much light from the big windows im gettin alage i never got at home.