I'm back! And getting a big tank!


Active Member
Hello everyone! Some of you remember me as that kid that thought he could do anything with aquariums and i did start up some arguments...and i'm sorry. I have been hanging out at grimreefers.com getting some information and it seems like i'm a pro at agressive fish well to some like anglers and eels :) . Now i'm moving to missouri this july and i will be setting up a pretty big tank dimensions are 7ftx3ft. Now i would like to have a coral cat or a yellow stingray. Do any of you have these fish? I would love to try them. What are more active and playful? And i will need to know what brand of skimmer to get, any suggestions? Thanks! :happyfish Maybe i could have both?? The tank mates will be 2 eels and a frogfish.....if the frogfish struggles in that tank i will move him to his own tank.

tony detroit

Active Member
Hey dude,
Not to burst your bubble and not to bloat about the guys with big tanks. But be prepared to spend 15,000 setting up the tank, and roughly 200-300 a month to run it.
If you can swing it, that's awesome. If not, get a smaller tank. It doesn't have to be big to be good. I'm more impressed with a guy's 55gal done the right way than a pieced together 180.


Active Member
I just want the tank size that can house a ray or a shark or maybe both :) Yes, i know it will cost me alot but it seems like my parents where saving some money for this big tank. very excited to do this


Prepare to spend a lot of money. My 55 G was about $1,500. I can't imagine what it would cost for that size tank. Why not get a 125 long or a 150 tall and house small differen't fish.


My aquarium was $3000 and its 2700 gallons a little over a $1 a gallon
it will be finshed this (Tue).


Originally Posted by tony detroit
Hey dude,
roughly 200-300 a month to run it.
what are you spending 2-300 hundred on? i have a 100 and a 125 and i spend about maybe 20 a month on food and then the occasional bucket of salt with doing water changes every 2 weeks.

jonny bolt

Originally Posted by angelsrock
what are you spending 2-300 hundred on? i have a 100 and a 125 and i spend about maybe 20 a month on food and then the occasional bucket of salt with doing water changes every 2 weeks.
Do you pay your electric bill, or do your parents pay it for you?

tony detroit

Active Member
80-100/ monthy electric
40/ month filter pads
30/ month CA reactor media
30/ month carbon,purigen
60/month water,salt,RO filter replacement yearly
25/ month food,additives
Bulb changes every 8 months-250minimum
Uv sterilizer bulb yearly- 45
Divide that into a monthly cost and that is another 25
Figure impeller replacement for pumps every couple years and that is another 10/month
I figure it easily costs me 200/month all tank related costs, maybe even 250/month


Originally Posted by Jonny Bolt
Do you pay your electric bill, or do your parents pay it for you?
i am too old to live with my parents thankyou very much. i rent a house with electric included. and my side of the rent is 200. besides if you are getting raped that much with your electric bill then maybe it's time to move. my friend has in his house a 75 in each room besides the kitchen, being about 6. he has on each 2 emperor filters, protein skimmer, 2 300gph powerheads, 200watt heater. his electric bill is 100 bucks each month give or take a few dollars.
Originally Posted by tony detroit
Hey dude,
Not to burst your bubble and not to bloat about the guys with big tanks. But be prepared to spend 15,000 setting up the tank, and roughly 200-300 a month to run it.
If you can swing it, that's awesome. If not, get a smaller tank. It doesn't have to be big to be good. I'm more impressed with a guy's 55gal done the right way than a pieced together 180.
I don't get it. A guy is looking for info to set up a shark tank, and you guys are all telling him to get a smaller tank for fish, and that it is 15,000 to set up.
My 420 FOLR cost under $6000, including inhabitants and 300 lbs LR.
You definitely need to shop around. Also, your utilities sound way high.


Active Member
Utilities are different depending on where you live.
I live in a 4 bedroom home in Albuquerque, NM..it snows in the winter and gets to 105* in the summer.
I would be HAPPY to have a utilities bill that was $80! In the winter our average bill is $140, and in the summer our average bill is $90. Of course we live comfortably, keeping warm throughout winter and cool all summer long.
PS- Our utility bill is for both gas and electric.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ericp2311
Why on EARTH would you want to move to MO (pronounced misery!)?
I dunno??? Its was my parents decision :notsure: . But who cares if i was not to move i wouldn't be able to get a bigger tank!


Active Member
You really have to shop around..I think i saw in the classified someone selling like a 420 and 200's for cheap...
IF you were to buy everything NEW a 300Gallon setup would cost you $15,000.00
My water bill and electric bill and all expenses, I figure I spend $400/month Electricisity isn't cheap in all parts of the country, or water...I Live in prolly 1 of the top 10 most expensive states..
I've been spending $600/mon on tank stuff, new fish...LR, Lights, and other equiptment.
Froozen food aren't cheap, Plankton isn't cheap...
Making R/O for a Big tank isn't cheap, nor is the Salt...figure even a 10% change is 40gallons for me.
And Mine isn't full reef yet. I still have another $5,000 to go i figure before I'm done...wave makers, more pumps, computer controller, live stock, lights. And all that is going to = More monthly costs..

tony detroit

Active Member
Keep in mind I factored in bulb changes, bi-yearly impeller replacement, EVERYTHING into a per month basis. That is easily 250/mo on my 175gal.
When I had my old 300gal I spent 15 a week in food alone. That was for two sharks and a ray.
I don't know why your costs are so much lower than mine, I think you lack mathematical skills.
Are you ever going to do waterchanges? Filters? Carbon? Impeller Replacement? RO/DI Filter replacement? Bulb Changes? If you are, roll it all into a monthly cost on top of your electric and food and I am quite confident you'll shatter 200/mo on.
Michael Stern, as a matter of fact, YES I AM TRYING TO DETER HIM FROM SETTING UP A SHARK TANK.
Everybody jumps in thinking it is a walk in the park. It is a full time financial obligation. Once you get the sharks NOBODY wants them should you have to sell them. I've been doing this for quite some time now, long before I joined the board. This is every 14yr/old kids' dream, then after 3 months he's bored with the tank and the animals health and conditions go to crap.