I'm blocked


I was just woondering how long I am blocked for. I was blocked for acting immiture and just want to know the time I have to pay.(it's been a month) This would meen I am on a different computer, but just wanted to know after e-mailing with no responses.....
And while I'm here I guess I'll ask some questions while I have the chance...
Would a prizm skimmer and a fluval 404 be good enough for filtration in a 55 gallon tank?
Would a huma huma trigger break up all my live rock?
Flame angels ok with huma's or snowflake eels?
Prizm skimmers a good buy?
anywhere suggested where I can get cheap sand? 25$ for 10ilb's at lfs!
Answer what you can
Don't ask for any replies from me long i'm banned-


I'm not sure how long it will be. Anthems an alright guy I guess if your nice to him, maybe your experience was different. Anyways a Fluval 404 and a Prizm Skimmer would be a good mix on 55 gallon. A more powerful skimmer I was told would be much better, but I would notice a difference if I didn't have one.

fish boy

my friend was blocked for two months because he was pulling up old post to raise his stats . by the way were you blocked because of that hockey thing

david s

I think that a bigger skimmer would be better but if its a prizm or nothing i would go prizm they work good and it will take some junk out )


Active Member
need more info,
the fluval and prizm may be ok for some instances, but if you have lr and or a dsb, may not be necessary for many things in a 55 gallon


I'll probably have sand and live rock...25-55 pounds according to what fish I get
Any answers about how long I'm blocked. I can only post on other computers and not mine