im getting new anenomesany suggs on wat takn i should put them in


Active Member
im gettin 2condys one assorted carpet and one sebae i got a 55g 10g and a 20g.In the 10g i got maroons the 20g percs and 55g tomatos wat anenome should i put in each tank????? thanks


Active Member
Err, what kind of lighting do you have on each of these tanks? Carpets require very intense lighting and need pristine water (safe to assume it's harder to maintain water qaulity in the smaller tanks).


Active Member
well if your water and lights are good ill suggest where to put the anemones,
carpet with percs
sabae with tomatos
and condis with shrooms
the clowns should host those 2 anemones and for the condis no clowns really prefer to host them