im glad


New Member
im glad all you ppl know where nice pet stores are i just moved up from S.C. to ohio and i got the tank live rock and all that but no fish i cant find a good pet store help please and now scales and tails is not a good one


You are not limited to finding a good pet store in Ohio only. You will have a hard time finding a good one any where you go. What are you looking for?? A nice display? Knowledgeable employees? A nice disease free selection?
If you find it, let us all know and we will all come to Ohio.
Just find any pet store, research what you want, double check with the boards if you need further advice, order your predeturmined choice from your LFS and then (most importantly) have a quarenteen ready!!
If scales and tails is convenient, use what they offer but do not rely on them for anything except ordering what you request.