im going aggressive boys


i was gonna go reef but they suck i have only a porky puffer and a yellow tang and a red sea sail fin im getting rid of my tangs and going for a nasty ass fish any suggestions
Are you looking for real nasty fish or just want to set up an aggresive tank ? just with the puffer you may not want to add anything to aggressive.


Active Member
It is a 55, with a fair amount of LR. That may change things. You won't get many aggressive fish in there at all, IMO. They all get large, they all can get messy.


New Member
These people are just giving advice to save this guy some money (ie when he crams a bunch of highly aggressive fish into a small tank and they all die).
I know that people have told you constantly (me being one of them) that you have too many fish in that tank and to cut it down. Maybe you could sell off some of your lr to make more room, otherwise I recommend a bigger tank. I'm not even going to comment on this other @$$hole. :mad:



Originally posted by Jillian Ayers
I know that people have told you constantly (me being one of them) that you have too many fish in that tank and to cut it down. Maybe you could sell off some of your lr to make more room, otherwise I recommend a bigger tank. I'm not even going to comment on this other @$$hole. :mad:

What's your deal?

Originally posted by chrisfish
Dont listen to these people, everyone on this stupid site gives negative advice. Go for it, its your tank, your choice ...enjoy

That's my deal.
Also, davidsmith has been on asking for advice before only to be told he had too many fish, which he apparently didn't listen to, and now he wants to turn a tank with a large amount of live rock into aggressive, which is just not going to work unless some of the rock is removed.


Active Member
Chill down, or this thread will be axed....
he wants to turn a tank with a large amount of live rock into aggressive
Actually, a lot of liverock is very beneficial in an aggressive setup. Triggers like to munch on it, make territory in it, and sleep in it. Eels are always in and out of the rock. Groupers feel much safer with a lot of rockwork, as do some wrasse species. I have 60lbs in my 75g, and 40lbs in my 55g. Bo


Since I have been on this site i've been told that I have entirely too many fish in my tank. Since, I've removed 2 and looking for a home for two more. People on this site give good advice and others just talk sh!t too much.


Active Member
I agree, lets chill out. Jillian, David has said that he has removed many of the initial fish involved. And I don't see how LR is an issue? Don't take out the LR, just chose the appropriate fish.
The point that this is a rather small tank to begin with is important to respect...lots of LR makes it smaller which means that we are not looking at adding too much considering there is also a porc puffer in there already. There is no problem at all going aggressive and I don't think anyone was implying that (though I would disagree that it is the only way to go ;) ). Just take into account here that we are not looking at adding many fish to this tank because of space restrictions, knowing what we know about the bioload and general size of aggressive fish.
Based on previous threads, David, people are concerned. But the emphasis is now even more will not get as many fish in there as with community, and it becomes very very important to abide by this as aggressive fish can be messy eaters and send water quality a bit wacky quickly. You had some problems previously, but this is a new start.
It is just important to start off in the right way. Many things like triggers and groupers are very small when they are sold, but they will get large (fast) and many stores will not take things like groupers back. The decisions you make now will be very important. Do you have definitive plans for a larger tank?
Perhaps, with a porc puffer already, you may not wish to add much that you can stick with the 55 longer, or you may need to watch it with adding something that can be a little high strung.
I wouldn't, however, get rid of LR. It was only mentioned because it limits the space available. LR will be very important. It is important in any salt water tank.
Ok, I'm sorry people. As you can tell, I've been really sick lately and everything makes me mad these days (my poor boyfriend!) I'm glad that davidsmith took the care to remove some of his fish and I know we all make mistakes (God knows I do). I'm just so tired of seeing and hearing about people who stuff lots of fish into their tanks just for their own amusement. Like the people upstairs from me have a 55 gallon with an arowana, 3 Oscars, and 2 other large, dinnerplate-sized fish I can't identify. It also makes me so mad when people just come in and talk the way that one guy did. I didn't mean to snap at anyone (except chrisfish), and am sorry. I mentioned removing the lr to make more swimming space if you want to go aggressive. I don't want to get the thread axed or anyone else upset. However, I think my point went through the first time, so I'll shut up... at least for now. :p Can you people tell I'm a redhead?