Im going to switch from a 10 gal to 30, where should i get the stuff i need for it???


I am goign to be upgrading my aquarium and was just interested in what you guys think about where to get my stuff. I will need a:
Protein Skimmer
A couple Power Heads
The tank
The most expensive thing to me right now that i would LOVE to fins cheaper is a stand. I am trying to stay away from the metal wire ones, and i see that some places have nice wooden (cheap) ones for about $60, but i still dont want to pay that much
The Lighting BIG THING!!!!!!! and i am new to the whole lighting thing, so what kind of wattage or lighting would you suggest for a 30 gallon reef (maybe) tank?


Active Member
where should you get it OHH YEAH!!!
(cheap shameless plug...waiting for some free stuff...j/k)


Well, yeah, to am extent, SWF doesnt have it ALL, but they do have alot. I have been on {edit}, they have some great deals, but not on tanks ans other stuff, there is e*ay, but there is always a risk with that, i am looking for some good places and also, about the lighting?


Active Member
Out of respect to the owner and operator of this site, please do not post or request links to other sites, thanks.

Also consider the classifieds section, local reef club, local newspaper classifieds...


Active Member
I have a 30 Gallon, FOWLR.
Berlin Air-Lift style skimmer. I got it REALLY cheap, and it works really well.
Two Powerheads.
Penguin 200 Bio-Wheel HOB filter.
Live Rock.
That is all. Asides from fish. And the Bio-Spira that killed everything in my tank when I started it off, haha.


what kind of lighting did you have, part of the phrase Fowlr may have the answer, but i dont know what that means, is it fourescent only with live rock? and where did you get ur skimmer?


Active Member
I'm upgrading from my 10 to a 29 and from what i have just in the past few hours found out is check ur classifieds (or in my case your LFS's bulletin board) and you'll find decent deals, I'm checking out a 29 gallon with cherry wood stand w/ light (unspecified type) stealth 100w heater, emporer 280 fliter for $150.... so just look around, thats my suggestion, if ur like me ur cheap!