i'm gonna get an elegance! need all the help i can get!!


My lfs has a beautiful elegance! green with purple tips. they have had it in stock 2 months and it looks great!
i already know elegance corals are one of the hardest to keep. i'm asking for all of you that have or have kept elegance chime in and voice their expirances and views on keeping these beautiful, fragile peices!
let me give you guys and gals a rundown of my setup.....
i have a 75g tank with a single corner overflow with dual returns. my lighting is a 48 inch T5HO with moon lighting. it's a 50/50 with 432 wats total. i have a Aqua C 30g sump with an Aqua C EV180 skimmer. i also have a powerhead(not sure the name. its barrel shaped and pulls the water in from all around it and has a green propeller in it. makes a nice underwater current!) my return pump is a Eheim. not sure the size but it is about 7 inches long and 4 inches tall with a slotted intake end and a 3/4 output threaded fitting. i'm also running a Aqua c phosphate reactor with a combo of phoslock and cuprisorb.
i have about 150lbs of live rock and 100lbs of live sand.
my fish are: koran angel, blue hippo, 2 clowns, 2 dominos(which i cant get out of the tank) and 2 small purple firefish.
my first question to those who have an elegance is: what do you feed it? and what supplements do you use to keep these beautys happy?
i have a sweet spot reserved for it in the sand bed. reading up on keeping these on the net. every site has conflecting views! some say high flow and less light and some say lots-o-light and low flow. they all say place in the sand bed! i also have read that elegance like dirty water......whatever that means???
i know i'm gonna need all the help i can get to keep this beauty, if i can keep it alive at all! maybe i'm wasting my time and money. thats what i want to know from you guys. please if you have ANY input or advise i want to hear it! sorry so long but i am gonna need all the help i can get with this one! TIA....james


Active Member
Lots of things to say here, but I'll keep it simple to start - your Koran angel will likely go after the elegance and could well lead to its demise. I'd pick one or the other (or neither).


that sux! i love my koran, and that elegance would look ohh so nice under my t5's! my domino whould probally pick at it too. it's been re-locating a couple zoo frags i picked up sat.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I cant stress enough how very very fragile these coral are.I had a Indo -Pacific and from my experience through keeping one and what Ive read are hard to keep alive for a extended period of time.I understand the Australian variety are easier to keep but still difficult.In my case all it took was for my Gold Banded Maroon Clown fish to nip at it and it was a goner.Ive read even a clown fish trying to host this coral probably will result in death for the coral.If you do buy it,watch for swelling and for mucus.If this happens blow it off with a turkey baster and maybe try a iodine dip.But in all likely hood its going to die.
Here is what mine looked like.I dont remember how long i had it for .I do remember that it only took a few days to die after i moved it to close to my GBM's place in the tank.


Active Member
I was under the impression that when it comes to elegance coral survivability it as all on the corals general health and the collection methods.
I have also read that they are becoming scarce and are listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by sharkbait9
I was under the impression that when it comes to elegance coral survivability it as all on the corals general health and the collection methods.
I have also read that they are becoming scarce and are listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
I would only argue that they are very sensitive to a few things,lighting and injury.From what Ive read,the Australian variety from shallow waters are hard to come by due to over harvesting and most today are harvested from deeper waters in Indo-Pacific regions.Ive also read that the Australian variety are much more hardier.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I would only argue that they are very sensitive to a few things,lighting and injury.From what Ive read,the Australian variety from shallow waters are hard to come by due to over harvesting and most today are harvested from deeper waters in Indo-Pacific regions.Ive also read that the Australian variety are much more hardier.
I believe it was in a magazine, maybe TFH about how the collection of the elegance coral really makes or breaks the longevity of the coral as some collectors just hack it off the reef and throw them in collection buckets without care. They often referred to clam collection as proper collection of clams should be used. With the clam, if the byssal is ripped off it often leads to the demise of the clam. The same is referred to with elegance if its just hacked off the reef
I would like to get one but i can't seem to find enough information of the coral itself.