I'm losing one

I have a branch caulestra and to of its little branches polyps whatever is alway covered in red algae I brush it off and it hasn't come back yet. But the two branch parts look like they are dying. The skeliton is showing and there is still some of its skin. What should I do, is there anything I can do, what is it, and why is it like this?
I have a 46 gallon tank 20 lbs of ls about 30 lr. Tests are Nitrate 0 nitrite 0 ph 8.2 ammonia 0 and phosphate .1.


Active Member
What about other the important readings like alkalinity and calcium? If you are not testing those then your reef will suffer for it.
I do not have a calcium test kit. I have a alkalinity test but I will post it later I am leaving soon for art class. Any way there are now whitish colored knobs or spots. Do corals get ich? What can I do I have no quarintine tank? I have heard about fresh dips for corals should I do this and how long should the dip take? please reply.


Active Member
Too low, 2.2mel should be the minimum. Your calcium is prolly too low also and is why the coral is dying.
I recommend you purchase a good book and do some more study on reef keeping if you are serious about the hobby.
My opinion.
How many books and web sites am I going to have to read. I am finishing my 4 book 5 magazine and who knows how many web sites I have been to. I did buy calcium two weeks ago after I read it in this book I have. THe lfs never told me how to care for it. The said moderate water, medium to intense light and it should be happy.
[ May 05, 2001: Message edited by: Salisbury A D ]


Active Member
You need to understand the basic testing that needs to be done to maintain a reef. Those books should at least have identified that you need to test pH, alkalinity, NO3, NO2, NH4, salinity and Calcium, when keeping corals, if not then they are trash.
The books I read stated that you need to test ph nitrate nitrite ammonia and alkalinity. These are the test I do weekly. And the way I am starting to take it is you people think I could care less about my tank. But I do care and I will do anything to help it. Some of you are giving me the same attitude Wojo and my parents gave me when I wanted to start a reef. They think I cannot do it just because I am a kid. If there is a book I should read that is NOT trash than tell me what it is so I never make the same mistake again. I have been useing the sources from the library and two books my Friends bought me. It seems every book I touch is not gooD enough for the hobby.
[ May 05, 2001: Message edited by: Salisbury A D ]


The test that you mentioned are the basic. For reef systems you need to test for PH, Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammonia, Calcium, Phosphate, Alkalinity, Salinity, Temp. Learn the parameters needed for what you maintain. Corals require calcium, so this test is a must if you want to maintain corals successfully. Check with you LFS, if they have a reef tank setup for show, he should be able to provide you the needed advise you seek. If he sells you livestock and has no show tank, he might not be aware of all that is involved in maintaining a successful systems. I suggest that you purchase a calcium test and post that result so that we can provide you the accurate advise that you need.
As we all argue over the situation my coral here is not getting much better. Besides getting a calcium test kit what should I do? Get meds? Quarintine in a bucket? "Let it die"? Or can you give corals fresh water dips? Earlier I posted there are a whitish knobs on it about the size of a . the . is the size of the knobs.