I'm molting, I'm molting!!!


How often should a cleaner shrimp molt, and what does it mean??? My shrimp molts every other week, sometimes more. Is this good, bad, ugly? Any input would be greatly appreciated.


I got my cleaner shrimp about 4 months ago and he has molted 3 times since. My understanding that it is a completely natural process.


Active Member
Ive been told that they will molt often when in a stressfull envioment like new tank or bad water but not sure if thats true.
I know they molt as they grow becuae the shell does not grow. Mine molted about once a month as they grew but after fully grown they molt about every 2 to 3 months.


Do you know where you heard they molt from stress. I'd like to know more if possible. My tank is a little over a month old, so the new tank thing might be right.


Active Member
Who ever said they molt from stress might of got it backwards....molting can be stressful to them sometimes can even lead to death
but i have never heard they molt from stress or bad water quality


Active Member
Are you adding iodine?
By adding iodine you can speed up the shrimps life very quickly causing its lifespan to be shorter than normal.


Active Member
I would avoid adding anything, and just do regular water changes using RO/DI. If you dose iodine, make sure you have an iodine test kit first.


Active Member
My coral banded shrimp molts about once a week. He has probably tripled in size in the little time I have had him. They tend to molt after a good feeding.


I don't add anything to the tank right now. It's only a month and a half old. And he's gained some size as well. The molting every two weeks was kinda weird. But then again, I'm new at this. Thanks for all the responses