Im new about hydrosalinty ....


New Member
Ok hydrosalinty is the most potent aganist ick isnt it? I heard it was so my question is I have a 10 gallon QT if so (knock on wood) one of my fish got ich should I drop the salinty in my QT tank and put the fish in it or drop it in my main tank with all the fish in it and treat it all? would this hurt my live rock ?I have a shrimp also so what would I do? thank for any advice!


Active Member
HYPOsalinity :)
You may want to check out some posts in the disease forum for a review.
And you DO NOT treat a main tank with medication or hyposalinity! That could cause major problems :yes:


I have a FOWLR tank and I did the hyposalanity treatment to my main tank it worked great! I did the treatment for about 5 weeks and just recently changed it back to normal.I heard you cant do it if you have inverts or a reef tank they cant handle the low salanity.