I'm new and I need advise to start this hobby


Im new at this stuff and my uncle got me hooked onto it and I need some help. I dont know what kind of tank I should get and when I do where can I get one at for a resinable price.
Help me plz


Hey, Here is what you should do. Read the first thread and links in the thread by Beth on this page. Then get a couple of books such as The New Marine Aquarium by Peletta, The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner. Read them and then research youe questions here, use the search buttan at the top of this page. I researched and read posts at this site for over a month before I bought ANYTHING. Take what the guys at the LFS have to say and research it here before you make any decisions. Get the biggest tank you can. And try not to skimp on the equipment. Be prepared to spend some money! Welcome and good luck.


Active Member
Make sure you go to the library! America doesn't go to the library enough. :)
Also, visit you local college campus' biology department. Most of them have marine tanks set up that are taken care of by a group of students like a biology club or astronomy club. These students will more than likely be glad to explain things to you and may even let you participate in tank maintainance.


Active Member
My suggestion is consider buying used if a nice set-up. I purchased a used set-up on ---- and saved a ton of money. I had to drive about 300 miles roundtrip but it was still worth it.
Do your research in the mean time and decide what type of tank you want. Be patient and wait for a good deal. You may be able to get what you waat if you buy used...rather than settling for a smaller new set-up.
You can also check the local newspaper too for a used set-up.
I purchased both my set-ups used and saved some dollars.
Best of luck.