i'm new, lol

hey guys, finally put in to be a member here after a few weeks of reading! i have a 24g nano cube, it's an aquapod. i've put about 10-12 lbs of LR in there and LS. everything on the aquarium is stock/come with the nano cube, except for the protein skimmer. it's been up and running for a couple of weeks now and i've got a red honey chromis and a percula in there. they've gotten along great and seem to be doing just fine. also have 2 red legged hermits..(any other suggestions on a CUC would be fantastic!) i do have one question though. i've had a little brown algae on my sand and rocks for a while. it's not a lot but it seems to be more plentiful day by day. what could be the cause of this and how can i control it? i've searched for a while and not to many good answers, or im just terrible at searching lol!! i've got some green algae in there but it's not to bad is it? and some zoa's. i'll post up some pictures as soon as i can to give yall an idea of what i'm workin with.. thanks in advance and go dawgs!!!
as you can tell, the first is the whole set up i have as of right now...the second is a pic of the brown algae i have and some of the green...in the fourth pic i was hoping to get a possitive I.D. i cant find it on the internet or in my books... and the last one is a pic of my zoa's.. they came w/ the live rock.

welcome to the boards!
The brown you are talking about is diatoms. Its normal to have a diatom bloom after your cycle. It usually goes away on its on to a point but a clean up crew will help.
Im not sure how many of each to get but some good things are
-nassarius snails
-turbo snails
-cerith snails
-fighting conch.
Those usually do a good job at cleaning the sand. Id wait for others input though because i have a 5.5gallon so i only have cerith and nass snails


The 4th pic in the first set of pics looks like a possible Majano anenome. Instructions on how to take care of it can be found on this site. I used Joe's Juice to kill mine.
In the second set of pictures there is something on the rock under that beautiful fish. I can't tell what it is. Is it alive and moving? I hope it isn't a mantis or something. Can we get a close up on it.
i'm about to go to work but whenever i get back i will most certainly take a couple picks. if it's bad i want it out. and i've heard it's an anemone and the kind i don't want( im not familiar w/ the salt water goods and bads) if it's bad i'll be taking it out. thanks i'll post back later!


Active Member
hey i love your tank buddy! things look great! it looks like they have answered most of your ? above. if not let me know i would try my best to help out
thank yall very much for the complements!! i added my cleanup crew today.. 2 peppermint shrimp, 3 blue-legged hermits, a sand burrowing snail
lol, and an emerald crab. wish i could post pics but i'm tryin to clean up the house.. fiance' invited people over for a get together


Active Member
its an invisible shroom. really rare here are some specs:
Invisible mushroom also known as nothing there in the post is really common. it happens when reefers dont post pics when they think they did. they need really low light to no light at all. Ph-8.3 trite and trates-0ppm monia-0ppm as well. cal at 375ppm. needs plenty of flow to grow more invisible shrooms. price range $ to $. not that much.
POST PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!