im new, please help me out

hi, i am very new to the forums..i have very very many questions...i have been saving my money up for just about 4 months and have earned 400 dollars..i am going to get a oceanic 29 gallon bio-cube.
i have many questions about fish corals,etc.
first off, i would like to know how much a mated pair of onyx perculas will cost me, and what their favorite anemone might be.
i have done so much research that it isnt even funny. i have to wait until the end of the school year to get this tank and i am just wondering if anyone would like to recommend anything else. i would like very much to creat anemone fish offspring. i would need to know how to do this.
i love fish and i just cant wait to get my tank!! thank you guys soo much!!!
i think also that maybe i could get more than just 2 onyx perculas...maybe i could get more livestock. i would love it if you guys could give me a list of livestock i could possibly have!!
i would also like to know how to frag all types of corals...and i dont think that i want to glue the base of the coral to the LR so is there anyway to work around that in the frag process?
i know i might have alot of questions but believe me i know pacience is essential in the awesome hobby.
if you guys would help me that would be great! and please post ur nano pictures here too!