im new


New Member
I;m just getting into the hobby. I love fish and i have a tiny freshwater tank. I need to know what things i need for the tank, i have nothing. And I would be getting some clowns and a pink tip anenome. I was wondering if a panther grouper would go good with these. And would they fit in a 20 gallon tank?Also what would happen if a fed a panther groper normal pellets? Would it survive?:confused:


Active Member
No on the grouper, way to small of a tank plus in time may eat your clowns. Anenomies require a well established tank with perfect water conditions and very good lighting not recomended until your tank is one year old and IMO will need a bigger tank than you have...JMO but clowns do not require anenomies to be happy.


Active Member

Originally posted by anenome123
I;m just getting into the hobby. I love fish and i have a tiny freshwater tank. I need to know what things i need for the tank, i have nothing. And I would be getting some clowns and a pink tip anenome. I was wondering if a panther grouper would go good with these. And would they fit in a 20 gallon tank?Also what would happen if a fed a panther groper normal pellets? Would it survive?:confused:

Don't buy anything without checking here fisrt.
The loco (i call it :p) fish store will sell you a great white shark for a 10 gallon if they could.


New Member
wait so no on the grouper and the anenomie in 1 year. Then could u please suggenst some fish that i should start out with???????


Active Member

Originally posted by anenome123
wait so no on the grouper and the anenomie in 1 year. Then could u please suggenst some fish that i should start out with???????

No on the grouper...
Anenome in 4-6months...
Look at gobys, some wrasses, clowns, Chromis.
Stay away from Tangs, Angels, Triggers, Groupers, Lionfish, unless you get a larger tank


New Member
would a jewel damsel work? and what kind of filter, light,food, and other stuff shoould i get. what would this cost?


Active Member

Originally posted by anenome123
would a jewel damsel work? and what kind of filter, light,food, and other stuff shoould i get. what would this cost?

Well there are tons of ways to do things...
I've got $600+ into my 15gal.
But if you stay Fish for now...You can do with just a standard Flourressant bulb hood..
a $50 or so filter and a Skimmer... $30-$180 depending on type.
Once you start getting into Reef you start talking $$$$$
Lights alone on the cheap side will run you $200.
The Jewel Damsel would be fine..
Checkout the Green Chromis damsel.


you would need a protein skimmer, some live rock, some southdown play sand for a substrate (stay away from crushed coral) test kits for saltwater that test ammonia, ph, nitrite, nitrate, ro/di water, and a good book, check this sight they have a few, you can read it while your tank is cycling, and use the search key at the top of this page to look for stuff that you find confusing, there are lots of opinions about everything. Anemones are hard for some, easy for others. Light=powerful, something like a 2x55 pc or vho or more and cost, get ready to drop a bundle. Do it right the first time and you wont have cheap crap sitting in storage collecting dust. In this hobby, most of the time you get what you pay for, if you are handy, you will be able to save big $$$. DIY is a lifesaver.


get a used tank-5 bucks
stand-same 5-10 bucks, better yet, make one yourself.
lid-not needed, use egg crate instead-cheap
lights-dont skimp here, a good set could cost you alot more than 150, shop around and you will find a deal
get a good skimmer, some like the seaclones others dont
sand-dont buy the live stuff, find southdown and let your live rock seed it
check auction sites



Originally posted by anenome123
thanks a lot.! btw whats the difference between live sand and normal sand. and should i use fake plants?

dont use fake plants unless you plan on cleaning them frequently. live sand already has the bacteria and sometimes fauna that is found on the ocean floor. get southdown play sand and let your live rock do the rest. Live plants can look ok in the display if done right, but they need to be trimmed back when they start to spread, which was a pain for me so i just took them out.



Originally posted by anenome123
tank wise my friends selling me a 20 gallon for $15 and whats a skimmer?

protein skimmer aka foam fractionator (is fractionator a word?)
it forces water into bubbles and the waste from the life in the tank is attached to the bubbles and is exported into a collection cup to be emptied.
about as easy as i think it could be put. I am sure there is more though.


New Member
is this a good skimmer?
This is a brand new Beckett 1408 Foam Head. Considered by many to be the ultimate venturi for protein skimmer applications. This is not a complete pond kit, only the foam head pictured.$10


Active Member

Originally posted by anenome123
is this a good skimmer?
This is a brand new Beckett 1408 Foam Head. Considered by many to be the ultimate venturi for protein skimmer applications. This is not a complete pond kit, only the foam head pictured.$10

Click the search button at the top.
Then type skimmer
And start reading

Lots of good info and good brand suggestions.
Skimmer is one of the MOST important things..So don't skimp on that piece.


if you are looking on ----, that is not a skimmer. that is just a piece that goes in the skimmer to create the bubbles/mix air with water. do a search for aqua c remora. that is a good skimmer. but for your 20, a seaclone may work. i prefer the remora. i tried going cheap on the skimmer at first and now i have a 40 dollar piece of crap in my closet.



Originally posted by sw65galma
Skimmer is one of the MOST important things..So don't skimp on that piece.

or the lighting if you eventually want an anemone