Im ready for a refuguim

rabid frog

Active Member
I have a 29 tall oceanic tank I want to make into a refuguim. I am going to place the 29 on a stand above the display. How do I match the flow of the refuguim to sump, and do I return water from the sump or the display? Also how do I get the water out of the refuguim without drilling holes for bulk heads on the 29? Would I just use another overflow? One more question do I have to let the 29 tank cycle before I let the water go into my sump.


for an over the tank application, the easiest setup will be to place a powerhead in the main tank and run a line from it up to the fuge. the have an overflow on the fuge running back down to the main tank. no chance of floods etc with this setup. the only thing you need to watch is that you have an overflow that will not get "stuck" if the water movement is too slow. depending on what the gph of your puerhead is thats feeding the fuge, you might need to go with a "continuous siphon" model, or one with a small powerhead to maintain the siphon.
obviously, if you do not have an extra overflow laying around, a cheaper and easier solution would be to get the side of the 29 drilled at a local galass shop if you can find one that will do it for you.


Active Member
DVSkin has one of the cleanest above tank refugiums I've seen, maybe he will see this thread and ost some advice.