Im s-ick


New Member
I need help please
My month old 30 gal cycled (so I thought) with LR, LS substrate from established aquarium and water was good. I have a millenium 3000 wet/dry running full blast with venturis going-plenty of water movement and bubbles.
AM 0
nitrite 2 ppm
nitrate 10 ppm
ph 7.8
temp 80
sounds like crashing
I have had a sohal tang 2.5"-3" in it 2 weeks all good
I added from another tank a filefish 2" three days ago
The tang started scuffing a week ago
I saw nothing on it
I just thought behaviour
water was ok
My filefish is on bottom and gasping for air
with white spots and eyes are black
I have added formulin to display tank
I do not have a QT
What can I do for NOW?
Mr T


Active Member

Originally posted by mistertayl
I have had a sohal tang 2.5"-3" in it 2 weeks all good
I have added formulin to display tank

This is not intended to be a flame. But a sohal tang needs a significantly larger tank than it is in. An adult sohal can make a 200g look small. Please reconsider keeping this fish.
Formalin is a highly toxic medication that does not belong in your display.
Please start with a water change and read through the FAQ sticky completely. There is alot of useful information in there.


New Member
I know
But was a gift
and NOW what?
I cant take back
Fortunately he has me to try and do best I can
Should I change water (how much) or what???


Staff member
Does this tank have inverts in it? Corals, other inverts? I'm assuming you don't have a QT set up?
In your situation, I would get a large square rubbermaid type container and fill it with saltwater. Place your LR in it with powerheads.
Get fake rocks or pvc and put it in your display tank, then begin hyposalinity to treat ich. See the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum for info on the hyposalinity procedure. Additionally look at the thread on refractrometers.
Formalin will not effectively treat ich. Performing the hypo procedure in your display will dilute out a lot of the formalin water.
Generally, you need to slowly raise the pH in that tank to around 8.3. As you begin the hyposalinity process, you need to test frequently for pH and buffer as the pH drops.