I go down every June.... My son just got back from Cudjoe Key. Went for lobster mini season.... He & his buddies got 144 lobsters in two days!! :happy:
i just wanted to know. the first time we went was late last year and have gone 3 times since then. I love the snorkeling at grassy key. We have a campsite their and when we walk out the door it is a bout 5 yards to the water.
Oh, i am staying at long/grassy key but we went down to key west for the day and thats where i posted from.
And to mimzy i just wanted to rub it in thats all
been there and love it! I'm sitting at home in missouri(very boring here), saltwater is not very popular here. I miss florida bad! But i dont miss the humidity
Originally Posted by Mimzy
He goes all the way to Key West and what does he do??
Posts on the fishboard.
:hilarious Man, you need to STOP posting on the boards and go out scuba diving or snorkling! Just think you have something to look forward to when you get back home
Well, I for one am jealous! I've been trying to get back there for the last 2 summers!! I have camped down there in the past and I love the place.
Take lotsa pics!
wel,cartman,l at the moment i was posting in key west whisch we were just visitng for the day and i was bored so i posted and when we got back i snorkeled