Im So Confused On Sumps..refug...overflow...


i have no idea what any of this is, what its for or even how to make one or where to find what i need....
i ve read alot of different topics on the net and a few here and im so confused.
im wanting to turn my 75 gallon into a salt but have no idea where to start on the filtration or anything.
i have a 30 setup with abackpack filter but i was told it wouldnt work on a big salt.
PLEASE HELP ME..........
And overflow i a method of draining your top tak into the sump (ill cover that later) It either uses gravity, or a siphon. If you "drill" the tank, water has an easy path to fall into the bottum tank, where as a hang on overflow uses a siphon to pull the water down. Overflows work well, because they only allow water to flow after it rises to a certain point.
A sump is another tank, that houses all of the filtration (and heating) units of the tank. It generally gets water in from the overflow, and pumps it back with a return pump.
A refugium, is usually built into the sump. Its an area for things to reproduce that would normally be eaten or destroyed in your tank (like corepods). Its also an area to house beneficial "macro algae" and other things that would benefit your tank.
The best way to get started in this hobby (I know, ive been "starting" for about a year now) is to read,read,read. The people on this board have tonnes of information on this hobby.