i love fish
Anyway I plan 2 head down there today, and wanna know what u guys think I should get. I really want a pair of fire gobbies or a pair of clownfish, I also want a pair of wimplefish/bannerfish(but don't know how my emperor angel will react to that).
All I hv at the moment is a foxface & an emperor angel. My DT (90-95g) has been running since Nov 07 and my 3 QTs since end of Jan 08.
I also have a small problem, my 3 QTs r occupied at the moment,
So if I buy some fish 2day, do u think it will b safe 2 put the hermit crab with the damzels and use the QT the hermit was in 4 the newcomers? I hope so coz I really don't wanna have 2 wait 4 their next shipment, it may be months away.
PS- the damzels are healthy, and the hermit crab my daughter found at the beach with a whole lot of shells she was collecting.