I'm sooo excited!!!


I'm husband is presently on his way home with my long awaited anemone!!!!
I've got the fancy lights, the right food, my levels are great, and my Sebae is putting up the "Home Welcome!".....errr "Welcome Home!" banner!!! Tee Hee
I just crack me up!
Wish me luck!!!!!!!


I watched that darned Sebae for over an hour 1/2 to see how he'd react to his anemone, and wouldn't you know the minute I turned my back to him he dove right in:rolleyes:
Anyways, he's happier than a puppy in new grass. This has definately been worth the wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm hooked for life and planning my next tank


Active Member
Few things are as exciting as watching a clown take to an anenome for the first time. Congrats. Since we are all taking advantage of the new smileys...:groucho:


Active Member
yeah, i'd like to see a whole tank pic too :)
i would love to get an anenomie for my pair, but i have heard some bad things about them with corals.
gl with yours!!!! :happy:


Very cool indeed! I'm thinking about upgrading my lights to house an anemone. My Clarkii seems to be quite content with living in between 3 lRs though.


I know what you mean. Our little guy was great without one too. He comes to the front of the tank to greet me everyday. And if I spend too much time gazing at another tank mate he lets me know it my swimming in front of my face about four times to get my attention:jumping:
But there is just this undescribeable joy that comes from getting them a little buddy anemone. It's kinda like giving your child a teddy bear. They actually cuddle each other;-)


Active Member
don't you love watching them? It always looks sooo
comfy in there. When our clown started dancing around the anemone we didn't know what he was doing. An in a flash he was in and rolling around. Now we stick a little piece of shrimp in the tank and Bozo (clown fish, kids picked it :rolleyes: ) will take the shrimp from my hand and feed his friend.


I wish I were better with the digi, oh well:
At this point, there's mostly live rock. I'm totally open to aany suggestions you all have on good plant life to throw in........BOB, ARE YOU OUT THERE???? tee hee PLANT MAN.
I do have one really cool grouping of Clams with mushrooms all over. Got it at the LFS. too cool. Got some great hitchhikers too - have no idea what they are but they are fun to watch.