I'm teaching my fish tricks,


well. only one trick so far, my clownfish can jump out of the water like half an inch and grab some food :p hes a shark i tell ya!


Active Member
My clownfish/tang will eat from my hand.. and I can make my tang do laps around the tank if I show him his algae flakes.


I once had a file fish that would swim to the surface when he saw me coming and roll over on his back so I could scratch his tummy. Also had a raccon buterfly that would do loops if I moved my finger in a cicular pattern on the front glass.


o0. but mines a shark! it looks so cool from the top of him coming out of the water i need a pic


Active Member
Originally Posted by bimac
I have an octopus that will feed from my hand and wrap his tenticals around my finger.

He is waiting for the day he'll be big enough to take that finger from you.


Active Member
my clown fishie will come up and eat form my hand too
i have an albino tiger oscar in a freshwater tank who will jump out of the tank a good 10 inches to get some kirll that my sw fish dont want to eat :happy: