I'm thinking of getting rid of my Green Chromis


My 75 gallon tank + sump has 2 perc clowns, a sixline wrasse, LMB and 4 green chromis.
I want to take these little guys out and replace them with something else that is peaceful...
Anyone have a suggestion on:
First... how to get the chromis out without freaking the other fish out and removing all my rockwork?
Second... what fish to place in there after I have room?
Thank You All!


When I first started my tank I had to take out two very aggressive damsels. In order to do so I had to remove just about every rock to get them out. If I had to do something like that over again I would try something like this. That is sold on this website.
I dont know how successful they are, maybe someone who has tried one can chime in.
Best of luck.


Active Member
your chromis aren't peaceful, or you just don't like them?
best way is a small fly fish hook and very thin line. get rid of the barb so you don't hurt the fish though.


Active Member
If (when?) you do get them out look at:
Blue or Yello assessor
Any of the flasher wrasses.


I just removed my chromis myself. One of them was pretty agressive and tended to pick on the other fish.
I tried the trap and a bunch of other methods. I ended up taking out each piece of live rock, putting it in a bucket of water, and continually trying to trap the chromis. I was able to get them out when I had aobut 3/4 of the rock out.


i had to get two damsels out, and we found a clear box with a "swinging door" was the easiest way. sorta. we put it in once & our yt found it and alerted everyone. the second time the damsels accidently went it & were caught


Active Member
I thought chromis were peaceful????my blue greens and yellow chromis seem to be....Well, the only way I have been able to remove fish from the tank takes a bit of time. I remove or move over some of the rock at one end of the aquarium. I put an acrylic sheet in the tank roughly the size of a cross section of the tank. I use this acrylic sheet much like a door, open it, entice the fish over to that end of the aquarium with food, then close the door and trap them into one end of the aquarium, then I move the sheet toward the end of the aquarium, slowly decreasing the space the fish are trapped in so that it then becomes easier to catch them in a net or plastic container.....takes about 20 minutes or so usually....


Try a midas blenny. Very personable and has really no aggression issues. I have one in my 12 gallon and it loves it and it's with 2 other fish. Loves it when you visit the tank or the room the tank is in and they love to eat!