my tank is 36 gallons. i have about 3 nassarius snails, 10 ceriths, and 12 turbos, 2 emeralds, a cleaner shrimp, 11 hermits, a little bear conch, and serpent star.
i know that nassarius +conch and maybe cerith are the only ones that sift the sand, but at the rate they do it the sand has plenty of time to have diatoms or algae grow back on it.
my powerheads (2 koralia 2s) dont even make a dent in gently blowing the sand to help keep algae off.
my parameters are:
-nitrates 0
-ammonia and nitrites- 0
-PH 8.3
-SG ~1.024
my light is only 3-4 months old...a 150 MH (phoenix 14K)
the only fish i have in my tank at the moment is a clownfish
im about to hook up a 20 gallon sump that will have a 4-6" DSB, chaeto, and a skimmer so maybe that will help
i should mention that my water source is tap, (i use prime on it) but i have 0 phosphates.
my tank is over 6 months old so i dont think there would be a diatom bloom at this stage...