I'm VERY disappointed in my Magfloat


Just bought the large size for acrylic. Used it last night first time, and it's terrible! Missed all kinds of spots. I don't mean the hard stuff, just the light green film that gets on the front. It's kind of like the surface is not flat, so it when you make a pass, it cleans a couple stripes and leaves the rest. I thought it would be easier that sticking my arm in everytime I wanted to clean the front of the tank, but I guess I wasted my money.


Active Member
Yeah, I have several friends in both SW and FW who bought those and are furious over the waste of money. I have had great success and am very pleased with the magnavore that Ive been using for 3 years. It was a little pricy for a magnet, but now I find that it was well worth it... for the ex girlfriend that bought it for me as a gift. :D


Active Member
I bought a magfloat also and thought it was junk. You have to wipe an area several times to get it clean unlike the previous magnet I used. I just use the Kent scrapers now as I ususally have coraline algea spots all over my glass.


Active Member
Hey Lebowski (your dudeness),
It's not a matter of being lazy. It's just why would I want to spend time going over the same area more than once when I don't have to with other magnets I've owned. Even cheap ones. It works ok after after I've gone over the same area 4 or 5 times.


i have had good luck with it--i started out with very clean glass an swipe it everyday--regardless whether i can see build up or not--daily maintance


Active Member

Originally posted by Lebowski
Do you scrap coralline from the back>? Or sides?:confused:

Yeah. That is why I said I don't use the magnets anymore. I always have little coraline spots all over my side and front glass that I have to use the Kent scraper on to get clean. The scraper peels the algea off very easily so I just scrape and get it all at once.


I like mine. Its for glass. It has a plastic pad that doesn't get gunked up, so I can leave it in the tank. I clean mine about every three days weather it needs it or not.


Mine also works well. I leave it in the tank and use it about once a week. It will remove coraline also. You just have to go fairly fast over the coraline back and forth and it has to be new spots of it. But it is easier and safer than having to put your hand in the tank or having one of the old magnet cleaners that you can tie a string to. When those suckers fall they can take out your coral. At least the magfloat just floats to the top of the tank.