I'm Very Impressed


New Member
I signed up to this forum earlier today.
I've spent about 5 hours looking on here and I must say that I'm truly amazed at the beauty of everything in everyones tanks.
It's hard to believe that you guys and gals can keep these tanks in tip top shape. After reading the forums, it seems like there are hundreds of factors involved in the maintenance of these tanks. There's a lot of knowledge around here.
I'd be interested in learning more and getting a saltwater tank of my own, but it seems very expensive. Is it expensive at the beginning? What kind of budget should I have, if I'm going to do it right?
If someone could direct me to a website that explains the basics, or some concepts/ideas, I'd appreciate that. Thanks!


Staff member
Welcome to the forums!
In all honesty, no one will ever claim that this hobby is cheap; it does require money, and there are ongoing expenses. Of course, smaller tanks require less money, and setting up a basic fish tank is certainly less expensive than setting up a reef system.
One of the most important thing a person thinking about entering this hobby can do, is do a lot of reading and research FIRST. This could actually take a few months, but it is a very important first step. Visiting forums, such as this one, is of tremendous help because you have direct contact with other hobbyists.
Additionally, you should also do some research. A good beginner book is "A Conscientious Marine Aquarist". Well worth its money and will help, step by step in learning the basics and essentials in setting up a tank.


Active Member
Since I dont think it is in competion with SWF...I will post a link....
well I should ask first..
Can we post Links to WWM?


Active Member
swf needs to start advertising on some of these awesome article magazine websites :p
welcome to the boards, you're diong the right thing of researching before taking the plunge. once you get your toes wet though, you'll sink right in just like the rest of us. :)
if you want to save some money to start out, look at your craig's list for your area. I am constantly searching for "live rock", "metal halide", "aquarium", and "fish tank". also look in this and other boards' classified sections for people getting rid of their old stuff. you could find a sweet deal and save a ton by someone moving, going down in size, etc.
for beginning budget go as big as you can afford, with the right equipment for what you want to do. If you're doing FOWLR (fish only with live rock) you could go with basic equipment, but if you're going reef do not buy power compact lights but look into metal halide or t5's.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Welcome to the forums!
In all honesty, no one will ever claim that this hobby is cheap; it does require money, and there are ongoing expenses. Of course, smaller tanks require less money, and setting up a basic fish tank is certainly less expensive than setting up a reef system.
One of the most important thing a person thinking about entering this hobby can do, is do a lot of reading and research FIRST. This could actually take a few months, but it is a very important first step. Visiting forums, such as this one, is of tremendous help because you have direct contact with other hobbyists.
Additionally, you should also do some research. A good beginner book is "A Conscientious Marine Aquarist". Well worth its money and will help, step by step in learning the basics and essentials in setting up a tank.
The mods here know what they are talking about, Beth said it all
This hobby is expensive and on going. You still need to buy supplies after the initial setup, and we always see things we just have to have to improve our tanks. You can get some good deals on about anything, but need to research carefully before you get something.
Welcome to SWF.com


My tank is a year old, I jumped on this hobby head first but with lots of reading on this site I was able to make things work.
I spent a Whopping 1300 bucks just to get the tank running for the first time. Then, I spent one month without fish. So think about that. You spend all this money but the benefits do not come for a while. So not only is this hobby expensive but you need a lot of patience.
Definitely look around fo rused equipment that can work for your set up. And do not start out with a small tank. If I would have known better I would have started with a 90Galllon at least.