im wondering



im just wondering how much power compact lihgting usally costs and can it keep anemones and hard corals like lps sps and soft corals also the tank is going to be 29 gallons and how long will the bulbs have to be and what are the usual demensions of a 29 gallon i think its like 30 inches long but i dont know the rest of the demensions :notsure:


Active Member
i have a twenty nine with 160 w of pc and i thing they were like 2 or 3 hundred but i cant remember ill look wen i get home and in my tank i have zoos mushrooms frogspawn, candycane, toadstool, and feather dusters, i had three anemonies but i took them back becausse they touched all the coral and moved rights up under corals but for the time that i had them they did very nice were healthy and ate about 2 a week