Im Worried Please Help


Im worried about putting my Live Sand in the aquarium. I have changed from CC to LS I put a cup of LS in already and the water turned like a cloudy dust... So I stopped. If I go ahead and add all the sand its gonna be cloudy... cloudy My question is will the water clear up in a few days??


Or take a cup of it, and SLOWLY lower it into the water... SLOWLY pour it into place.
You'll get some cloudiness, but nothing quite like just pouring it in from the surface...


Active Member
Originally Posted by opus18
Or take a cup of it, and SLOWLY lower it into the water... SLOWLY pour it into place.
You'll get some cloudiness, but nothing quite like just pouring it in from the surface...

You got it.
What little cloudiness remains will totally clear up. How fast depends on your filtration.


Originally Posted by dmjordan
You got it.
What little cloudiness remains will totally clear up. How fast depends on your filtration.
Nothing like first hand experience... :cheer:


Active Member
I had some cloudiness in my tank after I added an additional 20 lbs of LS to my tank. Cleared up in an hour and a half. Added slowly.


Active Member
When I filled my tank with water I forgot the plate..(DOH) it took 3 days to clear but looked amazing when it finally did...