Images of Various Tanks and Corals, What do you Think



Nice pics, I like the scopus in "jail". He ended up out of your main display as he was caught eating zoo's. Looks like he has green's aplenty now.

scopus tang

Active Member
Thanks guys! I've always had a scopus tang since I started keeping marine tanks (not the same one unfortunately) and like them a lot. I find that unlike the other tangs they're more willing to eat different foods (like zoanthids - and yes this one got moved to "jail" (a 65 gallon display tank rather then my home tank)), which makes them easier to keep long term.


love the scopus. they are a very underated fish. it doesn't eat the grape caulerpa? man, if i get hit with a rock flower anemone, i hive itchy red blisters for about a week.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
love the scopus. they are a very underated fish. it doesn't eat the grape caulerpa? man, if i get hit with a rock flower anemone, i hive itchy red blisters for about a week.
Nope, it doesn't seem to be eating any of the caulerpa - not that I would mind if it did. Fortunately I've never had problems with reacting to any of the anemones - I know I shouldn't, but I've moved them into a tank and placed them by hand. Once the settle however, I leave them alone. Use plastic forceps to feed them, which I do very infrequently. But I know what you mean, I've seen some people reach to anemones and its not a pretty sight!


I have the same coral thing as the last pic you posted. It tagged along with some lr I just got and have no clue. Your stuff looks identical though. What is it and how can I care for it?

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by ANinaFish
I have the same coral thing as the last pic you posted. It tagged along with some lr I just got and have no clue. Your stuff looks identical though. What is it and how can I care for it?
The brown with green center is a paly (which I assume is what you are talking about). They are in my opinion an easy coral - they need light and occassionally you can give them a light feeding of something small like mysis shrimp if you want. Place them mid level or so in your tank, and when they begin to reproduce (which they do asexually), they will begin dropping off - you can let them lie were they land or move them around and scatter them throughout your tank. Sometimes they get caught by currents and get moved around on their own.
Hope that helps.