imperator fish


New Member
i just added a juv imperator to my 55g fo tank. how often ? and what is the best food to feed them? i really want to see him change colors. any info on this fish would be appreciated.
1 hippo tang
1 humma trigger
1 dansel


You can't keep an emperor angel in a 55g.....They get to be very large, and a 55g isn't near enough room for them(hippo tangs get too large for a 55g also)......Angels need pristine water quality and are pretty delicate in that respect....They, like all angels, like greens and meaty foods....However, please don't put one in a will be very unhappy and eventually die...I highly doubt it will live long enough for you to see it change colors (which happens at a large size).....Wait until you have a much larger system to keep one.....


I agree with the other posters, this fish can grow to nearly 16 inches. It does like to feed on algea, truncates, and sponges. But as cool as the fish looks, a 55 is not going to do it justice.
Best advice take him back and not to be demeaning, but do your research first before you purchase a fish.