Importance of individual reflectors on T5's


Active Member
I currently have a 38 gallon tank that has freshwater in it, but in the next couple weeks I am going to give my freshwater stuff to friends and start it as saltwater. I have been given a filter and skimmer by my saltwater friends that will get me started, but I have a question about the lights I will need to buy in the next week or so.
I have a canopy over my tank that I want to keep and thus I am set on getting T5s. I am currently debating installing 2 Sunlight Supply retrofits for a total of 4 bulbs and purchasing the lunar lights seperately....or getting a Nova Extreme that has the lunars included. I only have 12" wide before the filter and skimmer are on so I can not get the Extreme Pro with Individual reflectors as it would be too wide.
So my question is: How important are the individual reflectors? Will my light be drastically decreased with the one reflector the Extreme has?


Active Member
enhances the performance by upto 300% some say 400%.
More light innto the tank as opposed to dissapated elswhere.
Sunlight supply is a good choice. I have spent two weeks reading none stop about lighting been to LFS taken a few apart checked them out. The Nova extreme pro is a decent light but I think going withh the sunblaze or the tek from sunlight supply is a much better deal especially if you want the sunblaze They are huge cheap for retro fit ( My LFS I will get you the number and name of peson there who can beat any online prices for them and have it drop shipped to your house )
I have been set on buying the 48" 760W Metal Halide System (Electronic Version) for 359 free shippinng but after reading a lot of houses getting burned I think the tek is a better idea. I think today I am going tek from my LFS as they will sell cheaper than online as well if thhey would hurry up and open and give me a call to tell me if thhey have mine in stock.


Active Member
What I'm seeing of the Sunblaze, is not an aquarium light. It'a a grow lihgt with a single reflector. This light is not made for use in a saltwater environment. Also, the bulbs that come with it probably are not the top quality bulbs that are very important for getting the most out of your T5's. Myself, I wouldnt recomend purchasing this light for a SW aquarium. But that my .02 worth.


I also have a 38g, which I believe is the same dimensions as yours. I bought the Nova Extreme 36" T5 4 bulb 156w fixture online last night. I should get it early next week.
I don't think this has individual reflectors, rather a German Parabolic reflector. However, this fixture isn't bad at all for our size tank and most importantly for us was right for our budget.


Active Member
If you have a canopy, then go with a retrofit kit. Either a four-bulb TEK retro, or a four-bulb Icecap retro (with spec ballasts) would give you plenty of light.
I would also cut a hole in the canopy for a venting fan that will blow the hot air out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
What I'm seeing of the Sunblaze, is not an aquarium light. It'a a grow lihgt with a single reflector. This light is not made for use in a saltwater environment. Also, the bulbs that come with it probably are not the top quality bulbs that are very important for getting the most out of your T5's. Myself, I wouldnt recomend purchasing this light for a SW aquarium. But that my .02 worth.

The way I understand it was sun supply startedd out with grow lights and people started seeing they workedd on aquariums so they then went into making the same thing calling it the tek different case and a few indavidual things making it for sw. They are the same thing just in a retro and you can buy the same parts etc from the same place that sells both. I have seen both lights in peson side by side ( My lfs uses sunblaze on a lot of tanks ) and a lot of people in saint louis use them as they are as I said the exact same thing. They hang them so as to keep the salt creep off it splash etc but on their 1,000 plus gallon "L" tanks and bigger "U" Shaped tanks you see them and the coral fish are killer looking.
I think they have some on their 10x10 tank as well and also have teks on tanks etc. Call them check them out from my LFS thhey said sunlight supply are awsome to work with. They use many different vendors but proof is in the pudding they use it and have killer stuff so it leans me toward them being a good light. I do not have a canopy so I would go with the tek due to it looking nicer not a plain jane looking white case all square and nothing to it. the tek they make is sleekk looking so your goign to pay for their extra aluminum and bending is pretty much what they told me lol.


Active Member
Thanks for the input!! It helps out a lot in my decision making. I have seen the many people on other threads mention that the icecap ballasts are better than the workhorse. Does anyone know how much better?
Also, I graduate from college this summer and after I get a good job I plan on getting a tank that is much bigger than my 38 gallon (I'm keeping an eye on this 180 with sump and all included at the local fish store) and I will put halides on that and change my 38 to more of a non-reef safe fish tank. Will the T5 be a good choice for this type of tank?


Active Member
An Icecap ballast will overdrive the bulbs. Even thought they will produce more light, it wil cut down on the lifespan of the bulbs, as well as make them run hotter. A Workhorse will still run T5, but is not designed to. The geek of reef has Icecap retros that include a different ballast (I wanna say it's something like a Sylvania). The overdriven bulbs would be more than you needed for a 38.
T5 would still be a good choice for the tank, even if it was fish-only.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
An Icecap ballast will overdrive the bulbs. Even thought they will produce more light, it wil cut down on the lifespan of the bulbs, as well as make them run hotter. A Workhorse will still run T5, but is not designed to. The geek of reef has Icecap retros that include a different ballast (I wanna say it's something like a Sylvania). The overdriven bulbs would be more than you needed for a 38.
T5 would still be a good choice for the tank, even if it was fish-only.
FOWLER tank with t5 would be very sweet