Improving Clownfish Color


Active Member
I've had a Black & White Saddleback Clownfish for just over 6 months now. It's a big one, probably around 3".
I was at the LFS today and saw they had one of a similar size in a tank. That didn't necessarily surprise me, but what did was the difference in coloring. I hadn't realized the 'yellow' coloring on mine was faded, but seeing the one there, even with their lights out, was a night and day difference versus mine.
I currently feed Formula One and Two flake, and mysis shrimp. I know there are a lot of additives out there, but are there any that are recommended for improve my fish's color, and how should I use said additives?
Thanks in advance.


Active Member
I think the color comes with the age of the fish. Although diet may be a small part, as long as you are feeding it formula one and fresh fish it will be okay. IMHO.


Active Member
Comes or goes?
BTW, his black is still black. But his 'face' and the tips of his fins have faded. Its been slow, so I'm pretty sure its not disease related.