In a Perfect World...(fish selection question)


...I would present all of you with the list of fish we want to put in our tank, and each and everyone one of you would write back saying "Wow, Jim, that is the ideal mix of fish and it will make a lovely tank". People will come from far and near to sit and admire our tank. But, I know we do not live in a perfect world and there probably is not *the* ideal mix of fish that everyone will agree on.
With that in mind, I posted our frist preliminary list of fish not too long ago and I got a lot of valued input from people on this board. Taking into consideration all of your advice, as well as our preferences for fish, we have come up with a new line-up for our tank and I would like to run it by all of you again, if you don't mind. So, without futher ado, here are the fish we think would make a nice tank, in the order we feel they should be introduced:
2 Perculas (sorry these have to come first since they are waiting in the Q tank)
Lawnmower Blenny
Longnose Hawkfish
Scott's Fairy Wrasse
Flame Angel
The choices we are tossing back and forth for the wildcard slot are a Regal Tang (is this the same thing as the Hippo Tang I read reference to here on the board?), a yellow tang, maybe a purple tang, and a newcomer, a Klein's Butterflyfish.
The tank is 75 gallons with 90#s of LR, 40#s of LS. Most of the fish will stay pretty small so I don't think 7 fish total will be pushing the tank size too much (though I could be wrong). All advice is most welcomed and any suggestions for the wildcard is appreciated. The things that are really important to me is a colorful mix of fish that will get along together and lead a happy and healthy life with us. If there are any fish I mentioned that will really cause problems I would appreciate knowing about that. Thanks for your time and wisdom. And yes, we are aware that it will take quite some time to get all these fish added to the tank. We will go slowly.


Active Member
Sounds pretty good to me. I personally would would not put a tang in a 75, but the yellow would probably do better if you went that route. Will this be a reef? If so be careful with the Flame Angel. They are a toss up. Some will do fine while others reek havoc???


Thanks! We do not plan on turning this tank into a reef, though I have beefed up the lighting quite a bit (260 watts of pc).


youm may have a problem keeping the lwn mower blenny. I have one and he is great, however my friend can not keep them for any lenght of time. they sometimes just refuse to eat or eat all the algea and starve.


I have a 50gal long, 60+lbs LR, 65lb dsb. I love my tank and the critters are very peaceful in there. I have a nice balance of fish that hang out on bottom, center and top. Scooter Blenny scoots all over the rock and back and forth in front of the tank.
1 Juvenile Purple Tang
2 Percula Clowns
2 Yellow-Tailed Damsels
1 Yellow Head Sleeper Goby
1 Scooter Blenny
I'm considering a Royal Gramma once my LR gets to 100lbs. Also the tang has a wonderful new home should she grow too much and need it.
1 Serpent Starfish
1 Cleaner Shrimp
3 Pepperment Shrimp
12 Hermit Crabs (Different sizes / types)
10 Snails (Turbo, Astria & Bumble Bee)