In an effort to keep my Gold Speck Jawfish from the afterlife....


Active Member
I made these covers out of acrylic at work. My new Jawfish thinks he has 5 lives...we'll he's burned 4 of them. I have removed him from the sump after his...yes, 4th ride down the overflow rapids. Hopefully this will keep his silly hiney in the tank were the food thing happens. He must be after the mysid shrimp in the overflow because there used to be a ton in, not so many.
I couldn't get a pick of the culprit now that he went into hiding on me again.



Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc

Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy

Looks nice!!!
Thanks. I'm still having a hard time finding him in the tank today. I know he's in there, I just hope he's still alive. I never see him to see if he's eating.
Little bugger is funny as heck when I grab him out of the filter sock though. Gets his mouth big and wide open like he's gonna eat me.


Active Member
I know mine thinks he's all bad and stuff. He's allways "mouthing off" to the other fish. If I put the net in there he'll go after it mouth open like, you better get back with that thing. ..BTW his name is Bob, cause he allways bobs in and out of his hole.