In need of Stocking advice...



Hey guys -
Hoping you all could give me some advice on my stocking plans... I've read tons of books and asked people at fish stores and have realized that while there are some general rules but fish compatability can be a very individual thing. Wondering what you guys thought of this plan:
Fishes I already have in my 46 gallon bow front (40 lbs LR):
Maroon Clownfish (2")
Blue-spotted Toby (2.5")
and the fish I got today...
Pacific Sailfin Tang (3"-4")
Fishes I plan to get:
Some sort of trigger (any one know how I can get a small blue-throat trigger)?
Very small dogface puffer OR webbed burrfish (opinions?)
Fire Hawkfish
3 very small hippo tangs (last on my list though)
Please let me know what you all think from your own experiences. Thanks in advance!


well to be honest with the new tang in there which likes lots of room to swim i would only add 1 more small small fish, and thats it untill u get a 1 in front of the 46 gal tank


Almarktool - If that's the case, do you recommend I return the sailfin tang? I was under the impression that since my clown and my toby barely took up any swimming space in the tank I could fit three medium sized fish in with them - hence the tang, puffer and baby trigger. Let me know if I'm wrong - Maybe the sailfin tang is just too much for my tank. Thanks.


the sailfin will most definitely "outgrow" your tank... sailfins are fast growers (for a tang) and are very active swimmers, as youve probably noticed... waht are the dimensions on the 46 bow? unless its 4 feet long I wouldnt even try housing a small one for a short period... also, afaik, there are no triggers that could comfortably live in a 46.... same with the hippos... dont put one in there let alone 3!....
if someone could comment on the toby, I am unaware of their maximum size and tank requirements...
how old is the tank?
Drew :)


Hey Drew -
Thank you for your response. The toby is fairly shy (although said to be a fin-nipper but I've had no problems) and does not need more than a 20 gallon tank. He won't get much bigger than he already is. The mixed opinions I've gotten with regards to the toby have been how he'll behave with another puffer-type... ie a dogface or porcupinefish. (input anyone?)
As far as the sailfin goes, I am noticing he's a fast swimmer... and am wondering why the lfs sold him to me - I went there to buy a small trigger which they didn't have in yet. Guessing I should bring him back??
I think picassos only reach 9" max - which I know is still large for my tank but if that's in a few years (as I've been told) I'd hope to have a larger tank by then... Slightly concerned about potential mean streaks in the meantime though. Maybe I should get a Niger? The blue-throat sounds peaceful too... (any thoughts?)
The thought behind the tiny hippos would be that it would take them a long time to grow also. And three since they like to school when they are young (particularly with another tang in the tank). Okay, enough of my textbook knowledge ... I definitely want to hear real-life advice instead...
I have no problem returning fish, I suppose... So far returning fish has been more of my hobby than collecting fish... I'm trying not to get frustrated! I appreciate all the help I've gotten... I have listened every time (thankfully!).