In tank refugium.


Does anyone have an in tank refugium? Do you guys have any pics? I would love to see how you guy set it up .


Active Member
I made a DIY one. Couldn't justify spending $100 for something so simple.
I took a fish bagger, cut a hole for the outlet of a PH on the side, as well as ~12 1/4" holes on the sides to let water flow out.
Plugged in the PH, hung it on the edge of the tank under the light, and threw in some chaeto.


Well-Known Member
gmann, I wonder if you could take pics of that. While that doesn't sound very - pretty, I guess it would do the job, neh? Is the powerhead sucking water into the bag or out of the bag?


Active Member
Snake, you caught me the week after I scraped the sides of it, so its relatively clean, and I have a new camera that I'm still getting used to.
Its actually a hard plastic fish-bagger, like the one the LFS uses to scoop fish out, before bagging them.
The first pair of pictures show it from underwater. You can see the chaeto, the PH, and the 'outlet' holes. I didn't drill enough holes, so some of the water still spills over the top, as well.
Keep in mind, this is on a 30g tank, so it doesn't require massive amounts of chaeto. I think I reduce it by about 1/3 every month or two. The PH is the smallest one Rio makes. Its a POC, but it works in this application.


florida joe

Well-Known Member
The reason I like them is if you can not have a full blown refug they provide a dedicated pump and you can get some good flow and even achieve tumbling if your using them to house Cheato


Well-Known Member
yeah, I'm wondering where you could order a fish bagger? I'm sure you could get something from penn-plax or maybe order one from an lfs?


Active Member
go to *****/petsmart, u might be able to get one for free if you flirt with the girls workin in the fish dept enough LOL


hmm this may not be a bad idea. Is it worth it in a 10 gallon to do this (on a smaller scale)?
And do you actually see the copepods or are they too small?


Well-Known Member
hahahaha!!! I wouldn't worry about a 10 gallon. Doing water changes is great enough!
5 gallon water change is almost like pushing the restart button.


Active Member
I got the fish bagger online from a reputable site. One I can't name here.
Prob could get one from the LFS, or at least have one order one for you.
On second thought, I think I got this one from my LFS. It was my second one, that I still use as a 'holding tank' for my clowns while doing maintenance, that came from online.
Dusty, I no longer have a significant population of pods (didn't survive moving tanks), but when I used to have them, yes, you could see them if the lights were on in the room and off in the tank.

bama man

Gmann, Good idea, I am thinking of doing something similar. In fact I just ordered some chaeto and Pods from this site. I noticed you have 8-10 holes drilled in the back of the bagger and this still wasn't enough. Do you not lose all of the pods pretty fast by them overflowing into the tank? I tried using a tupperware in which I drilled probably 20-30 holes in the bottom. Of course it filled with water pretty fast. Then when I poured in the package of pods onto the chaeto. I never saw any pods grow in the dish or in the tank. I just felt like they probably ran through the holes and were eaten by the fish. The only ones I ever saw were a few in the filter when I changed it out. I didn't have a PH on it either. I'd like to get this right as I like my blennies.


Active Member
I drilled the holes to provide an outlet for all the water the PH was pushing in. I wasn't concerned about pods, and I'm not really now, since that tank has never had a high pod population.


Pods are pretty good at hiding. I only see ones in my display tank after all the lights are out, and even then they keep a low profile.


Active Member
Originally Posted by matt boyer
couldnt you just hang one under your hang on the back filter and just use that flow instead of the powerhead
I've actually had the same thought lately. Maybe I'll do a test this weekend.