In tank sump (kind of)



ok so i wanted to reduce my nitrates so i bought some cheato, and i placed it inside of a old breeder thing that i had for fresh water fish, and i placed it under my penguin 150 to get flow, im gonna leave it like this until i can get some suggestions on how to properly do this, or if people think this is good enough ill leave it, my only concern is as the water dumps into the holder its causing micro bubble, ive attached some pictures tell me what you think..... thanks


matt b

Active Member
If you dont mind the look then its fine how it is. I tunred a aquaclear HOB filter into a small refugium. Just take out all the filter media put cheato ina nd get a small clip on light.


Active Member
I actually ran chaeto in my DT behind the live rock when I first set my tank up and before I added the sump chaeto grows like crazy in a 55g tank with 500w of MH over it I was pulling a five gallon bucket of chaeto out a month. So I think what you have will be fine and I don't think you need to have it under the output of your filter as long as you have plenty of flow in your tank.