In the wild.


I was thinking that in the wild there must be times of low or no flow when the tides have come all the way in or out, would it be good to put a timer on the power head may be 2 times a day one in the morning at 7 till 7:30 and again at night 7 to 7:30 for low flow or just a rest from the constant push and pull of the power heads.??
P.S. is there any thing I cant coat steel with to help STOP it from rusting?


thats why some folks use wave makers. Simulates the tidal action and creates an turbelent flow within the tank.
My.02 worth


Active Member
actually, some wavemakers can be set to turn down the powerheads during the evening hours. i wouldn't have zero flow in the tank for long, but low flow, like shutting off all but 1 powerhead would be ok.


I know if there off for to long it would raise the temp. so a 1/2 hour should do besides I still have a filter and skimmer running. so a low flow time would be possible, but is it benafical to the fish,corals, and inverts?


Active Member
i turn off everything when i feed the lps. i don't know if the corals are happier for it though, but it's liek you said...current slows and speeds up in the ocean. why not in the tank too.