In what order do I add these fish.........


With three weeks to go before I set-up my first salt tank I'm finalizing my "wish list", but are exact on order to introduce them.
Having enough space is not an issue, it is ONLY the order that I add them. (I'm not too familiar with groupers, so here goes....)
2nd-Powder Blue AND Purple Tang (simultaneously)
3rd-Annularis Angel
4th-Picasso Trigger (huma huma)
5th-Black Volitan lion
6th-Miniatus grouper.
Does this order seem correct? Really unsure of the last three. Thanks in advance.


personally, I have all of those fish minus the angel, but you could easily introduce them in any order, but imo i would introduce the purple tang, and grouper last, be careful with the grouper b/c as soon as it hits like 6-8inches it will reach havock on everything, just my experience with them so far, but best of luck to you


Put the grouper in last!!!!!!!!!!
I have a huma huma trigger that was in my 55 gal tank for about 6 months when I decided to add a Miniatus grouper. When I added the grouper i made sure to rearrange everything(thinking that the trigger would dominate)however things took a suprising turn.... the trigger took a nipp(missed) and the grouper tried to swallow my trigger. My trigger got some infection from the grouper and I thank God I saved my trigger( He is one of my favorites). Right now my grouper rules the tank. I advise to add the miniatus grouper last. Hope this helps. Corey


I don't think you should get the annularis because of there difficult to keep. The powder blue is an ick magnet but I think you can handle it. But, what size tank is it? This is how I would do it (without the angel)
You could switch between the trigger and the tangs, but I think you should add the tangs last because they would be your hardest fish to keep. Make sure they are bigger than the grouper and trigger. I know that aggressive fish should go last, but the tangs aren't as hardy as aggressives, and need a more mature tank then aggressives. I don't think having a trigger about a week before adding the tang will make to much territory. I think this list should work. Good Luck!