in what order should I move my fish?


I have started up a new 55 DSB/LR and will eventually move everybody over from my 45. I thought I would start with my yellow tail damsel (very small, doesn't bother anybody), but after that, I could use some advice. I do realize that this will have to be spread out over a good bit of time. I have:
3-stripe damsel
yellow tang
hippo tang
coral beauty
saddleback puffer
tomatoe clown
green serpant star
coral banded shrimp
pencil urchin
some hermits and snails


Active Member
I am just finishing up the same thing, except, my new one is a 75
what we were told, is that with the lr and dsb, if it is completely cycled, just move it all, but
I DID NOT like this advice, so we are taking a couple of weeks too( but after this no more fish for at least a month of good stability in our parameters)
What I would do is leave the the Tangs for last(definitely here, they become territorial towareds any added after them)
Move the inverts first, this could probably be done all at once,as long as there arenn't a LOT,
or if you want to test the waters first, move the damsel before them
then if they aren't too big, you could move the other fish at once, then the tangs
or if they are good sized,
i would:
3 stripe
coral beauty
then the tangs, but if they are relatively small (2 inch or less) move a couple at a time, it won't hurt
HTH and good luck
:cool: :cool: :cool:


Thanks Fshhub, I was thinking along similar lines but I always like to hear advice from others. I'm also a bit leery about moving everybody at once - I have a hard time believing that the tank is mature enough to handle it, seeing as how I am overstocked. I'll be testing before moving each fish; I've had them all for quite a while now and would hate to lose anybody.


Just to add to my last post, both tangs are good sized, the hippo is a bit larger than the yellow. Is the yellow more aggressive and should I leave him for last? surprisingly enough, none of these fish pick on each other :)


Active Member
i agree, i was thinking earlier about the tangs, but had assumed that they were smaller, after looking at the fact that you had been in the hobby so long; you may want to look into a larger tank yet. I would not add one tang to anything smaller than a 75
as for which tang, IMO probably, I would move the yellow last out of the 2( but I would move them as soon as possible, to help avoid one establishing territoty)
again good luck


I know, I know - I have been the victim of horrible lfs advice - it's only recently that I've been hitting the BB's and finding out how wrong I have been all of these years. However, I've had all of these fish for a very long time and am really attached to them. Never have had any kind of health problems either, which surprises me (knock wood). I tried to find a used 75/stand, but got impatient and went with the 55. I already have hubby alerted to the fact that he will be building me a stand/canopy for the next tank