In what order ?????


I am in the middle of the cycle of my new 55 gal tank. I am wondering in what order should I introduce the fish that I am looking at putting into the tank, based on hardiness and aggression.
I have been told that you are better off putting more aggressive fish in last so that they are the "new guys" in the tank and less likely to harrass the fish that have already been there. I have LR/LS in the tank for the cycle (40 lbs LR, 80 lvs of LS). Here is a possible list of the fish I am interested in.
2 Percula Clownfish
1 Dwarf Angelfish (Flame, Lemon Peel, or Coral Beauty)
1 Royal Gramma
1 Banqaii Cardinal
1 Purple Pseudochromis
1 longnose hawkfish
1 Sixline Wrasse
Cleaning crew
I am trying to stay small in size so that I can have more fish. I also plan to spread them out over at least 6 months, if you feel that this is to many let me know. Also are there any on the list that will not be compatible with the others.
Thanks for your input


Active Member
IMO, thats not too much and those are pretty much equal in the agression area and should not realy matter in the order you place them except the angle can become agressive and needs a established system so maybe add it last. Could have compatibility problems with the Gramma and Pseudo.


Active Member
you dont think that is pushing the size limit in a 55, dogstaR? i figure that as adults that is at least 25" fish - but maybe that is fine....
the purple pseudochromis is probably the boldest temperament of all of those fish.


Active Member
I think you will have problems with the purple pseudochromis and the royal gramma so I would pick just one of those guys.. Also from what I have heard the six line can be rather mean so I would say for him to go last. I think a good start would be the clowns.


Active Member
The purple Pseudo would be the wimp in that group and I dont know what inches has to do with anything. None of those fish are open water fast cruisers, they are all rock dwellers/cruises or territory hovers/homies and on average 3" each with the hawk maybe getting 4"
BTW, I think its an excelent selection. Ofcouse one never knows for sure because any fish can act out of the norm....


Originally Posted by Dogstar
IMO, thats not too much and those are pretty much equal in the agression area and should not realy matter in the order you place them except the angle can become agressive and needs a established system so maybe add it last. Could have compatibility problems with the Gramma and Pseudo.
I would agree..


Active Member
hmm i had read that the purple pseudochromis can be very aggressive. but if you so say, fine - i never had one.


Active Member
I had a purple psuedo and it was very territorial. I have also read that they don't get along with the basslets.


Active Member
A Purple psuedo can get aggressive with more timid fish like gobies and firefish, ect. but they are one of the least agressive of the psuedos.
As I said in my first reply, the fish on that list are pretty much the same in agressiveness. IMO. If the list had gobies or firefish on it then I would not have recomended the list as is. No one is debating the gramma and psuedo's compatability. I dont think they will not work together.
As hunter said, the Sixline could be the most agressive in the bunch also.


Thank you to everyone that has responded.
I will not go with a Royal Gramma. My question is if I do not go with it, is there any other fish that I could go with that would do will with the others that I have on the list. Nothing to big
Thank you again for your advise and suggestions.


I know that Green Chromis are considered damsels, but are they less aggressive than the other damsels?
Also is it better to keep 1 or 2.


I know that Green Chromis are considered damsels, but are they less aggressive than the other damsels?
Also is it better to keep 1 or 2.
Would the Green Chromis get along with the fish already mention above?


Active Member
i think most will agree that green chromis are some of the least aggressive / territorial of the damsels, and they would get along with others that you have mentioned. they also can school


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
IMO, thats not too much and those are pretty much equal in the agression area and should not realy matter in the order you place them except the angle can become agressive and needs a established system so maybe add it last. Could have compatibility problems with the Gramma and Pseudo.

I agree with this entirely.
As far as hardiness goes, I would probably start with the clowns. Then the gramma/sixline/pseudo (probably eliminating either the gramma or the pseudo) and chromis, then the hawkfish and cardinal, then the dwarf angel. Cleaning crew can go in pretty early, depending on what you have in your cleaning crew. All in all though, I would say that is a good list

If I may throw in my personal "I wish I had done..." answer. Before going with the sixline and pseudo or gramma...take a look at some of the other wrasses out there (filament, flasher, velvet) and see that you don't take a greater fancy to one of those. I have a sixline, love the guy, but kinda wish I could do one of the other wrasses that are around these days.