Hi, just wondering what you guys think is the best. I am using instant ocean, but wanna switch. I don't like kent, and I've heard oceanic and redsea make a good salt. Anyone? Thanks, ali
:happyfish oh ya I've heard of that one, do you use it or just heard it worked good? Also where can I get it. My email is alison19782004@yahoo.com thanks- ali
I have had much success with Red Sea, i used to use IO but found my Calcium and Alk was always low and i had to buffer constantly. Since the switch i have never looked back.
I am very happy with Oceanic. I have used Tropic Marin, IO, Red Sea and Oceanic. I got the best corraline growth out of Oceanic, with IO coming in second. Never tried reef crystals, though.
I think I will do oceanic. Everyone I know and a lot of people on the board think it's the best. I now just have to find a place to get it. Thanks again for all the replies, you made it a definate for me. - ali
I have used oceanic (currently), instant ocean and reef crystals.
rank order:
1. oceanic
2. reef crystals
3. instant ocean
The only advantage that oceanic has over reef crystals is that it dissolves almost instantly . . . -- has better numbers, but can take a while to dissolve.